The very good news is that this piano puzzle isn’t nearly as hard as some of the music-based puzzles in older Resident Evil games. Actually, this puzzle is so simple that you might convince yourself that it’s more complicated than it actually is and spend more time on it than is necessary. Confused? Well, let’s start from the beginning. About halfway through Lady Dimitrescu’s castle, you’ll unlock the courtyard area and gain access to the castle’s “Opera Hall” room. In the middle of that room is a grand piano and a letter that suggests the only way forward is to play the correct sequence on the piano. Before you start cursing as you desperately try to remember those childhood piano lessons you’ve already forgotten, you should know that there’s no punishment for playing a wrong note during this puzzle. Even better, the puzzle doesn’t reset all of your notes after you’ve hit the wrong one. That means that you can just keep playing notes on the piano until you hit all of the right ones. If you’re looking for a more “scientific” solution, though, then what you’re really looking to do is “match” the red note that appears when you hit a key with the black dot on the notes written on the music sheet. So, if you hit a key on the piano and the red note appears above that black dot, that means the key you hit is too high. If it’s below the black dot on the required note, that means the key you hit is too low. Use the position of the first red note you see when you hit a key to determine if you need a higher or lower note. You’ll then just need to repeat that process for the other nine notes. Again, there’s no punishment for failing, so a little trial and error will get you through this one without any problems. Once you’ve played the final note, the piano should open and reward you with the Iron Insignia Key. You’ll need this key to escape the castle (and open quite a few doors later in the game) so make sure not to leave the area without it. For that matter, be sure to explore the upstairs area of the Opera Hall as it contains quite a few valuable resources that you’re about to need once the action picks up in just a few moments.