“Watch your mailbox, I sent you a package. Tell me as soon as you get it.” Four years ago, I came home to this message from an old friend I met in World of Warcraft. Little did I know how much this simple message would impact my life. A few days later, the package arrived. Inside it was EVE Online — the Second Decade Collector’s Edition re-release, to be precise, which commemorated the game’s 10th anniversary with tons of collectibles and in-game perks. I proceeded to install the game for the third time, hoping that playing it with a friend would finally allow me to truly immerse myself in its complex universe. A month later, I joined KarmaFleet, a player-run corporation (EVE’s version of a guild), and I’ve never looked back.

Choose Your Own Adventure

EVE Online is an open-ended sandbox-style MMORPG. Rather than providing a well manicured, somewhat linear path for its players, EVE expects you to dig in, make your own way, and probably get a little bit dirty while doing it. The game operates on a single shard server, which means there is only one version of New Eden, the game’s massive galaxy of 7,806 star systems, available for the entire player base to connect to. In theory, every single EVE player can interact with every other under this setup. Putting hundreds of thousands of players in an enormous sandbox has resulted in EVE becoming the world’s largest work of collaborative science fiction. This collected work includes tales of empires being built from nothing, rising to control entire sectors of New Eden, as well as stories about vicious and rowdy rebellions toppling such empires. The game is also home to the largest battles ever waged in a virtual world. Thousands of players converge into single star systems for in enormous power struggles. Being involved in these history-making events is one of the coolest things I’ve ever done in my life as a gamer. Further Reading: 15 Best EVE Online Battles How you interact with the galaxy and its inhabitants is up to you, of course. You can build powerful alliances with other players or explore the galaxy as a lone wolf. EVE Online caters to different playstyles. In the relative safety of Hisec, players are free to explore the game’s mission system, hunting AI pirates or hauling cargo for rewards from the NPC quest givers. Mission runners make up a large portion of the Hisec population, players with ships built to meet the challenges presented in NPC missions and complete them with very little risk. Unfortunately, the mission system is one of the places where EVE most shows its age. Many of the missions haven’t changed in years and there is very little dynamic content involved in completing them. You can find a walkthrough on how to do virtually any mission in the game, so if your ship meets certain requirements and you follow instructions, these quests should be easy to complete. Players who are less interested in questing in space and instead want to embrace their inner spreadsheet nerd can utilize EVE’s in-depth crafting systems to participate in one of the most complex simulated economies in gaming. Almost every single ship, weapon platform, armor module, or piece of ammunition in EVE Online is crafted by a player, using resources harvested from the game world. Because of the single shard design, EVE Online battles that happen on the other side of the galaxy can alter the market for the entire game. If a fleet of difficult-to-make ships is destroyed, then the materials used to make those ships suddenly become more valuable, and if a savvy investor has cornered the market on those materials beforehand, that investor can become rich and powerful by liquidating his investment. That same investor could also choose to starve the market out, refusing to release any of their holdings to weaken one side of a conflict and help the other, all from the comfort of their home station. Further Reading: 15 Most Beautiful Sights in EVE Online Not every scam is designed to envelop the entire galaxy, though. You can also scam players on a more intimate level. CCP has had a long-standing policy to not intervene in deals made between players, allowing players to acquire others’ assets through any means they see fit. Scamming and stealing are perfectly valid methods of wealth acquisition in the EVE universe. For the most part, EVE Online‘s core gameplay has aged well, but your mileage may vary depending on whether you want to run the aging NPC missions or participate in the almost-constant wars and power struggles between New Eden’s big alliances. Going solo may also mean starting a corporation and running a business within EVE‘s economy or exploring uncharted parts of the galaxy like a pioneer. Maybe you live to swindle newbies or ambush lone ships like a pirate. Or you dream of rising through the ranks of your alliance to become a powerful fleet commander, leading armies to a hard-earned victory. The sheer amount of gameplay variety in EVE Online is an impressive feat.

She’s Got It Where It Counts

Equally impressive are the over 200 ships you can fly through New Eden. The ship you choose to pilot comes down to how you want to play the game. They range from small fighter-jet-like ships, called frigates, which are built for speed and responsiveness, to the city-sized behemoths known as Titans, which are capable of laying waste to entire fleets of lesser ships with a single shot from their incredible “Doomsday” weapons. Each ship comes with an inherent bonus or penalty to certain playstyles, such as increased durability for extended fights, a cloaking device for stealth missions, or the ability to remotely repair other vessels in space. Once a player chooses their ship, equipment modules must be added to fully prepare it to undock and engage in the universe. This is where things get very complicated. Further Reading: Project Nova – Hands-on with EVE Online’s New Shooter When fitting ships with weapons and armor, each module requires a certain amount of the ship’s reactor power and cpu time to operate. I have spent hours trying to find the “perfect” fit for a ship. This fitting process is not the most intuitive activity, and many players struggle with the concept in the beginning and end up flying underpowered ships and dying because of it. You eventually will get the hang of it, though.

A Glitch in the System

EVE is a beautiful game. The designers and artists at CCP have spent years making New Eden as well as the many ships that inhabit it look as visually arresting as possible. I’m still constantly awe-struck by the sight of massive fleets of ships engaging in fights under the shadow of a planet, or the tranquility of asteroids floating through space while industrious players harvest their resources. Unfortunately, overlaid on top of these beautiful sights, is EVE’s user interface, which remains one of the most unintuitive aspects of the game.  The section of the UI responsible for displaying information about your location and nearby ships is called the Overview, and it is not dissimilar to looking at a spreadsheet. Data is displayed in flat rows and columns, with different tabs offering specific bits of data. These rows, columns, and tabs are all highly configurable, but doing so requires a deep understanding of the game and is not something that most players are comfortable with. Further Reading: 25 PC Games You Need to Play in 2019 One of the first lessons that new players are taught, assuming they have a mentor, is how to rearrange their overview, how to add essential data that is left off the default view, or how to completely replace it with a shared configuration. After four years, I’ve never made more than minor configuration changes to the overview myself, instead relying on other players to customize and share their configurations. The UI is also why some players give up on the game completely, writing it off as a “spreadsheets in space” experience. You also control your spaceship through Overview and contextual menus that are triggered when you right-click on an object in space. You can command your ship to orbit, approach, or warp, and once in range, you can choose to attack the target or interact with it. The gameplay feels slow at first, with most twitch elements found in other MMORPGs removed, making the game feel more akin to a turn-based title. Once you have a few hours of gameplay experience under your belt, the depth of EVE’s combat system begins to reveal itself, though.


Every sandbox needs new toys once in a while. CCP has released 25 expansions for the game since 2003, and the latest expansion, released on May 28, is called Invasion. Invasion builds off of a storyline and gameplay elements that first appeared in last year’s Into the Abyss expansion, which introduced pockets of space known as Abyssal Deadspace lurking all over New Eden. Players were able to delve into these pockets, the closest thing to an instanced dungeon ever implemented in EVE, to fight a newly discovered and mysterious race, the Triglavians. In the new expansion, the Triglavians have left the Abyssal Deadspace and invaded Hisec space. Now, players daring to travel through a Triglavian-controlled area risk roaming gangs of enemy ships ready to seek and destroy them. The initial invasions seem to be building towards a more powerful and potentially permanent incursion. Fortunately, since the first invasion force spawned in Hisec, player-run fleets have been attacking as many Triglavian invaders as possible in the hopes of gathering the resources required to create the three new ships introduced in the expansion: the Negral, Draugur, and Ikitursa, all modified versions of Triglavian ships. So far, the Triglavian invasions are fun. They add a bit of chaos and unpredictability to areas of space that were once considered safe and are encouraging players to interact with one another. I look forward to the escalating invasions over the coming days, and to seeing what the Triglavians ultimately have planned. Further Reading: 25 PC Games That Changed History In the interest of… let’s call it science…I logged into an alternate character that has little to no association with any of my main pilots to “join” a player fleet fighting off an invasion. I outfitted a ship special, fully loaded with cargo bay expanders, special lasers that reduce ship wrecks to useable salvage, and a slew of tractor beams. In the 45 minutes that my fleet mates slaved away killing as many of the Triglavian ships as possible, my contribution was to “selflessly” clear the debris left in space by the dying NPCs. The task was boring, but also a bit nerve-racking as the other players caught on to my scheme. In the end, I made it back to a market hub, loaded up with materials used to make the new ships. The expansion’s other big feature is the introduction of a 64-bit option for the EVE game client. It’s a major improvement on its 32-bit predecessor, which suffered from a fatal flaw during big battles. Because it was a 32-bit application, if the allocated memory exceeded 4GB, the game client would immediately crash. During fights with ships numbering in the thousands, players would often be disconnected from the game, leaving their valuable ships to float lost in space, still fully vulnerable, until enough time had passed for it to despawn. These crashes would then lead to the login server being overwhelmed by requests from players trying to jump back into the game. The 64-bit client upgrade seems to have resolved this issue. Only four days after the release of Invasion, two warring factions clashed over a handful of the game’s conquerable systems, and reports from players using the 64-bit client suggest that the game is much more stable than ever before. Players reported that they were able to run the game with all of the graphical options turned to maximum instead of what’s lovingly known as ‘Potato Mode’ — the lower graphics settings of choice normally reserved for massive battles. In testing the new client myself, it definitely increases the amount of resources EVE requires from my PC, but there has been no negative impact on performance. Many EVE players, myself included, maintain multiple accounts subscribed at the same time, enabling multiple logins to the game world and the ability to fly multiple ships at the same time across different instances of the game client. Even with the increased resources required from the 64-bit client, I was able to use three different game clients in the same fleet, at the same time, and maintain 60 FPS across all three. Further Reading: Everything We Know About Google Stadia The third major feature of the Invasion expansion is The Agency 3.0, which provides players with an organized list of content available to them when they log in. Through The Agency, players are able to find quests, areas where PvP combat is likely, ancient ruins to explore, resources to harvest, or revisit the game’s tutorial system for a refresher on how to get around in space. As a tie-in to Invasion, you can even scan for any Triglavian forces in your vicinity. The Agency is also home to periodic special events around the EVE galaxy and serves as a hub to keep players informed of what’s going on in the game. The Agency is easily the most important feature for newcomers. With an overwhelming amount of choices and paths at your fingertips almost as soon as you first jump into the game, it’s nice to have a guiding hand. Not everyone is impressed with the Agency, though. Veteran players are worried it will “water down” gameplay, turning EVE into a more linear MMO. So far, CCP has managed to avoid this, focusing the Agency on helping new players navigate New Eden, and experienced players can simply opt-out of the feature. The importance of The Agency cannot be understated, and it’s a major incentive for newcomers to jump into the game. Activities in EVE Online have never been this easy to navigate before, and Invasion may be the perfect jumping on point because of it. After all, without an influx of new players joining EVE, and more importantly, sticking with it, the game will slowly become a ghost town, a death sentence for any MMORPG.  Fortunately, the game is still thriving. The support that CCP pours into the game, combined with the dedicated fanbase, suggests that EVE has many more years of life ahead of it, as long as the studio continues to modernize the game and make it more accessible. Lee Yancy is a freelance contributor. Read more of his work here.